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Helpful College Campus Services and Resources


As you are beginning the new school year on your college campus, remember to explore all of the wonderful resources you have at your fingertips. You may be living on your own for the first time, but this does not mean you are alone. The faculty and staff want you to be successful, happy and healthy while you are attending their school, so they have provided you with many opportunities right on campus. Successful people know when to ask for help and take a break to decompress, so do not delay finding out where these resources are on campus.

Tutoring and Writing Center

As educators and college planning advisors we believe that the most important resource that college students need to utilize is the tutoring and writing center services on campus. Recently when on a campus tour the student tour guide said, “the smart students go here.” He was referring to the tutoring center. That is absolutely correct! Students should not wait until they are struggling in a class to find out about the tutoring services on campus. Tutoring can help enrich the students understanding of the materials, focus on what is important, and apply better study methods. All these things can help the student earn better grades. In many cases, it is free of charge…i.e., part of the fees the student has already paid, so use it and reap the benefits.

Information Technology Department

Are you not so computer savvy, just totally frustrated with your computer, or need help with some technology you are using for a class? Well…at most college campuses you will find that they have a technology helpdesk where you can get assistance with things like Wi-Fi or internet issues, how to get your campus technology accounts set-up and maybe even some help if your computer crashes.

Career Service Center

The career services that a college offers can be one of the most valuable services as you are looking for internships, preparing for the workforce, and getting a job as you are wrapping your time up at college. Some colleges even offer career services to their alumni, which is a remarkable benefit. Career service centers offer a range of assistance from resume writing, practicing for job interviews, career fairs, and other employment resources. Some colleges even offer career ware wardrobe assistance. Take advantage of these resources while you have them because it is unlikely you will have all these things in one place without having to pay for these services.

Recreational Facilities

Many students are involved in some kind of activity in high school that is physical in nature such as sports, dance team, cheerleading, or marching band, but when you go to college those are not activities that you continue. Those activities allow you to cultivate friendships and leadership qualities, but one of the most important things that the physical activity does is to improve thinking skills, boost your mood, and relieve stress. College campuses have some of the most amazing recreational activities and services for students to take part in and use. There are things like exercise classes or intramural and club sports that are for any student to participate. Also, there are great gym facilities that rival any of the best community gyms. At most colleges, some of these perks are even included as part of your fees, and others may have a nominal cost to participate.

Health and Wellness Center

The health and wellness services are something you want to seek out right away because you do not want to have to try to figure out where to go when you are ill or have an urgent issue concerning your emotional health. Most campuses health and wellness facilities can do exams, lab tests and even some more extensive health services. If the campus facility does not have the service you are needing then they can refer you to a local physician. College can sometimes be stressful, especially since you will encounter many new experiences. So, if you just need someone to help to cope with an issue the health and wellness center can also provide you with counseling services.

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