AP Exam scores will be released over a three-day period depending on the state where you live. Scores are released at 8 am Eastern Time on the day of release. Check the schedule below to see when you can access your scores. Remember you will need your College Board account username and password to access your scores. Go to https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/ to access your scores.
Students who took the exams in May will start receiving scores next week on July 21, while students who tested in June will receive scores starting August 16.
Release Dates
May Exams
Scores for exams taken in Administration 1 and Administration 2 will be available starting Wednesday, July 21.
June Exams
Most scores for exams taken in Administration 3 and Administration 4 will be available by Monday, August 16.
For the Class of 2021, you will want to send your test results to your college in order to be granted credit for the AP Exams. Your score report is a cumulative report and includes scores for all of the AP Exams you have ever taken unless you request one or more scores be withheld from a college.