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For ONLY $185, get unlimited access to both ACT and SAT test-prep courses until the day you graduate!

Fit Your Schedule

Easy to manage 15-minute segments.

Improve Your Scores

Proven to help students improve their scores.

Designed by Experts

We understand students learn differently.

Designed for Students

The beauty of the self-paced program is that you can build the work around your schedule. There is a total of 25 hours of preparation (each for ACT and SAT) that can be spread out over 2 days, 2 months, 6 months or even a year. Take your PSAT in the fall, your SAT/ACT in the spring and you still have time to prep for a second SAT/ACT in the following fall if you choose to take it again.

Study Group on the Grass

More Features

Start improving your score and get the best value on the market for only $185

ACT® is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.  SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

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